About Barbara

Dr. Barbara Spencer is a board certified Adult Nurse Practitioner. She has been a nurse practitioner for over 18 years receiving her degree at the University of Maryland. Dr. Spencer is a 2015 graduate of Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions in Provo, Utah where she earned her Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree. Additionally, Dr. Spencer has worked as both a professor and clinical educator at Shepherd University School of Nursing Education in Shepherdstown, WV over the last decade.
Barbara started her health and fitness journey over nine years ago. She has been a competitive body builder since 2017 and has competed in numerous short distance road races. She incorporates her clinical and health care expertise along with her passion for fitness to work with clients to realize and achieve their personal health and fitness goals. Barbara is founder of Wellness Works. Her mission is to help clients realize and achieve their health and fitness goals. She works with clients and adult patients of all ages.
Barbara lives in Frederick, MD with her husband. They have three adult children who developed their person fitness practices in areas such as hiking, rock climbing, and long distance running.